Husband's Trust

“If it is indeed dead, all I have to do is go to his grave and show it to my son. But if it's lost, how can I tell the children?” Asmara She used to live with her husband who faithfully accompanies her in joys and sorrows. Now he has to…

Roza Missing Father

Muhammad Zein worked as a coffee trader and farmer. He is also the head of the loading and unloading workers at the terminal. In addition, he is active in the Pancasila Youth mass organization and is included in the tuha peuet (village apparatus) representing the Acehnese in Gayo. On…

Kronologis Tragedi Jambo Keupok

Peristiwa Jambo Keupok merupakan pembantaian massal yang terjadi pada 17 Mei 2003, di Desa Jambo Keupok, Kecamatan Bakongan, Aceh Selatan. Kejadian ini sebelumnya dipicu kabar yang disampaikan oleh cuak (informan) kepada TNI, bahwa banyak anggota GAM yang mendiami Jambo Keupok.…

Where my husband?

A yellow rice field covers the village of Puuk, which is in Aceh Besar district. Shady trees. The houses on stilts are visible on either side of the road. But the entrance to the village is far from comfortable. Gravel stones sprinkled on it. Here he lives together ...

Penculikan Mukhlis Dan Zulfikar

Pemerintah berencana mendirikan Pos Brigade Mobil (Brimob) Bawah Kendali Operasi (BKO) di Keude Dua Juli, Kabupaten Bireuen. Rencana ini ditentang oleh masyarakat Keude Dua. Mereka merasa resah kalau Pos Brimob ada di desa mereka. Mereka memutuskan untuk melakukan aksi protes…